Florian Hodel
- Ab initio MD simulations of Polyoxometalates and photosensitizers in solution. Investigation of electronic properties and reactivity using DFT.
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ab initio MD simulations of Polyoxometalates and photosensitizers in solution. Investigation of electronic properties and reactivity using DFT.
Z. Lin, F.H. Hodel, W.F. van Gunsteren. Influence of variation of a side chain in the folding equilibrium of a beta-peptide. Helv. Chim. Acta. 94 (2011) 597-610.
N. Hansen, J. Allison, F. Hodel, W.F. van Gunsteren. Relative free enthalpies for point mutations in two proteins with highly similar sequence but different folds. Biochemistry (2013) submitted.