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LightChEC researchers awarded prize by Werner Siemens Foundation

"Fuels and commodities out of thin air" is a finalist for the Werner Siemens Foundation "project of the century"

The project Fuels and Commodities out of thin air has been chosen as one of six from a total of 123 proposals to receive a research prize of one million Swiss Francs awarded by the Werner Siemens Foundation.

The project with the goal of producting one-step solar panel reactors based on particulate semiconductor materials, which will produce green hydrogen and later cheap liquid fuels and ammonia fertilizer, is therefore one of six finalists for the WSS  "project of the century".

The project consortium including our LightChEC PIs Greta R. Patzke, David Tilley, Andreas Borgschulte, and associate Davide Bleiner, along with Kathrin Fenner, Stefan Seeger, and Sandro Olveira,  now has the chance to develop a detailed plan for a full research center until October. Congratulations!
