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LightChEC Summer School 2024

The LightChEC Summer School 2024 takes place from 9 to 12 September at Aegerisee.

Our 2024 Summer School features three external teachers: In lectures, workshops and other group assignments, participants can focus on a specific topic of the (photo)-electrochemistry field for half a day.
Several speakers will present additional angles on their research on water splitting, electrocatalysis, CO2 conversion, and related topics.

Sign up for the Summer School now to secure your place.

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Invited Teachers and Speakers


Prof. Natalie Banerji, University of Bern, CH
Prof. Murielle Delley, University of Basel, CH
Prof. Kazunari Domen, University of Tokyo, JP
Prof. María Escudero Escribano,  ICN2, ESP
Prof. Astrid Pundt, KIT, DE
Prof. Kevin Sivula, EPFL, CH
Prof. Yogesh Surendranath, MIT, USA
Prof. Atsushi Urakawa, TU Delft, NL

Some Feedback from Participants of the 2022 Summer School

Wonderful location and interesting speakers. I liked the sessions in which we had to analyze papers and work together with other people. The atmosphere of the school was great ...

As an external participant I think it is well balanced and promoted by experts in a inclusive/interactive manner.

This was a very well designed learning experience...

I really liked the approach of cutting down a paper to the core elements. This way one learns how to approach a new topic that is not close to one's research.

The event was well organized and on schedule, the amount of content was good without being overwhelming.

